Client Money Protection
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Client Money Handling Procedures
To comply with requirements set by UKALA for handling of client money we:
Have set up a separate bank account for clients’ money;
Have the title of our Clients’ money bank account easily distinguished from other accounts of our business;
Have in writing from our bank confirmation that all money is held by the business as an agent;
Have the banks written confirmation that the bank is not entitled to combine the clients’ money account(s) with any other account or to exercise right of set-off or counterclaim against money in that accounting respect of any sum owed to it or any other account of the business;
Have and maintain systems and controls which enable us to monitor and manage clients’ money transactions and any credit risk arising;
Have accounting systems and client data securely controlled and protected;
Obtain client’s written approval to make payments from their account;
Bank all clients’ money at the earliest reasonable opportunity;
Nominate authorised staff to handle money;
Ensure that records show any and all cash transactions;
Reconcile client accounts together with bank and cash balances at regular intervals in order to demonstrate control over the accuracy and completeness of accounting records;
Ensure there are always sufficient funds in the account to pay all amounts owing to clients;
To pay amounts owing to clients as they fall due without delay.